my barcode on jasper report

Here were my conditions when I want to add barcode generator ability on my report:

  • I used to get my jrxml file (japer report file) that generated by iReport. Than I didn't ever notice the details code.
  • So many package for barcode generator, and followed by confusing about the dependencies
  • I want to integrate it with jasper plugin for grailsI want the barcode image generated on the fly, without need to save to image file
And here were the steps which taken to resolve the problems:
  • create maven project in my netbeans, to manage dependency problems easily
  • add barcode4j library to projectcreate simple script to generate image for testing. So I know if all dependency to generate barcode are completed
  • apply barcode generator to jasper report using jasper scriptlet
  • than integrate it with grails by put the jrxml file on web-app/reports, scriptlet code on src/java and put all dependency library on lib
Since I got problem for posting my code, for detailed code and implementation please refer to:

my grails and searhable on list view

Hi, i just post my old code about grails and searchable plugins on here is the shoot:

my whm and tomcat story

Managing WHM based server is easy for everyone. I thought no Linux knowledge needed. Managing name server, mail, redirect etc are already web base. Updating web server is easy. Apache, MySQL/postgresql, PHP and the modules are available with latest version, just choose what does we want, and during that configuration we guided by easyApache. If using the shell we can run this command /scripts/easyapache

Once, I need to check my ajexa server wether it's still on or already down. If the server down I need to restart it. And I found all server related services commands are on /scripts directory including command that I need 'restartsrv_tomcat'.
So then I create this python script which called on /etc/cron.daily which contain these code:

import httplib
import subprocess

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 8080)
conn.request('GET', '/ajexasrv/')

response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status != 200:'/scripts/restartsrv_tomcat')
  print "ajexasrv had failed and just already restarted"

And that script sent me email that contain printed value after restart the tomcat server, since I already put my email address on 'System mail Preference'. Very helpful thought, with minimum effort.