my Openbravo on etch4 debian

Install latest apache ant, java SDK (1.6) and postgresql-8.3 get latest java SDK and postgresql-8.3 from backports by add this line on /etc/apt/sources.list:deb etch-backports main contrib non-free Before installing postgresql-8.3 I need to remove my older postgresql-common since befor I use default install postgres (7.4). Than install again postgresql-common using specified repository because without that option I still got the old version, event the new version alredy listed. Use this command to intall postgresql-common from backport: apt-get install -t etch-backports postgresql-common and than install postgresql-8.3 tomcat and java SDK like usual: apt-get install postgresql-8.3 sun-java6-jdk tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps Than follow Openbravo environment installation After all above steps I still couldn't got my openbravo login page. but it solved with this command: /usr/share/tomcat5.5/bin/ run I didn't know what was hapened, but it's worked

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